Farm Woofers – Kona Hawaii

Every day the farm woofers go out to work (play) on the farm. My job is to run herd (referee) on the pack. As you can see in the video I carry a big stick, well a log really in case I need to exercise some discipline on the crew. Just kidding. Sticks,logs, branches are my thing. Well, football is really my thing but I’ll take anything in the moment.

adventure, woofers

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K-9 Social Media & P-mail

Hani Mana at Kanaka KavaOften it is that I go to Kailua town with my partner Jas. After we do our in town stuff, like shopping and, well, shopping we end our town experience at the Kanaka Kava Bar. there Jas enjoys a shell or two of Kava. I personally can’t stand the stuff, must be a human pleasure. If we hit it just right though, sometime they have fish scraps.  mmm…. now that’s yummy.

p-mail, social media

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