K-9 Social Media & P-mail

Hani Mana at Kanaka KavaOften it is that I go to Kailua town with my partner Jas. After we do our in town stuff, like shopping and, well, shopping we end our town experience at the Kanaka Kava Bar. there Jas enjoys a shell or two of Kava. I personally can’t stand the stuff, must be a human pleasure. If we hit it just right though, sometime they have fish scraps.  mmm…. now that’s yummy.

As the sun sets out over the pacific we embark on one of my favorite things to do. That is taking a peaceful evening stroll down alii drive to the pier and back to Kanaka.

There are so many sights and smells, social media postings and p-mail to follow-up on.   I especially enjoy the walk Through all the shops on the wooden board walk and along the waterfront.

There I am, reading and responding to all this P-mail and social posts, quite prolific I might ad, when I have this idea. I turn to Jas and say, “woof” which in human translates as …

Mystic Psychic Dog
Researchers Wonder If Dogs And Wolves Can Out-Smart Their Humans With “Canine Telepathy”

But first just let me clarify something. As an evolved species we K-9s use mental imagery to communicate. Our barks are often just a carrier wave upon which the images are sent. That or we’re trying our darnedest to break though those thick skulls and get the human to pay attention, and try, really try to receive and understand our need, want or desire. Of course there are many other reasons we may bark however, there is almost always data on the sound wave.

As I was saying to Jas, ok, ya, I wasn’t so much saying as transferring images to him, and amazingly sometimes he gets it.

Jas Marlin, msu
Jas working at the computer in his outside office

I watch Jas at the computer a lot, he says he is working. Right.  Well as many of you now understand, people are using this internet thing to share and communicate with other people all over the world.  No longer do they have to physically travel to check in and share ideas, information or updates.

So I’m thinking that this would be awesome if the animal world was able to utilize this technology as well. I mean why not, obviously we can pee and mark but we can share images and story in other ways. I think its time we too have a voice in the direction of the earth experience. obviously letting the humans be the voice has its benefits and limitations.

Many humans still are under the delusional belief that they are the only sentient self aware animals on the planet. I dare to say that is seriously up for debate.

In “God’s” kingdom (thats a human metaphor) all life is sacred, all life is free, all life is wonderful and has a divine right to be. except for fire ants, rats and politicians. Oops! better play nice with the politicians, going to need their support in changing some antiquated and primitive laws that are no longer worthy in the modern world.

Hani and Sadie sharing their social media handles.When we are out and about on adventure I talk with the other dogs I meet about this idea of using the internet to get on par with the modern world. As you know, we, my K-9 brothers and sisters have a lot to share, a lot to talk about.

A growing number of dogs are very interested in this idea of using the internet. One of the cats that lives near us has her own ipad and apps she plays with.

Thus it has come to pass, with Jas’ help we have created 808Hound.com.  This is for several reason. Firstly so that I can connect with all of you around the world. I want to know what your life is like, if your human support team is supportive and so much more. where you play, what you do, what you chew etc.. and your favorite toys and trucks.I like riding in the truck.

I will be sharing my stories, adventures and favorite things. But also I’ll be sharing the not so wonderful from time to time. Why, because its not enough for me or you to have a happy life, there are many many dogs around the world, heck just here on the big Island who don’t have it so good. lets be frank, no I’m not talking ball park franks. Frank as is direct, many dogs lives here in hawaii and the world sucks.

Why? because of the human condition. There is a deep lack of self love, compassion and appreciation in the human gene pool. This lack continues to reappear generation after generation.  I understand it, fundamentally, when one is so removed in consciousness from the source of all life there is a deep pain of separation, of loss and it is buried in denial.

Ah… I’ll get into understanding humans at another time. for this story I want to encourage you, my K-9 friends to get involved with sharing your stories and commenting to others here at 808hound.com

Ultimately the mission here is to spread the Love & Aloha around the world.  After all, the humans have this saying, “the world is going to the dogs”. If then this be true, we best get educated, get organized and be ready to lead the world into a bright and beautiful tomorrow.

Let the conversations begin. Woof!

p-mail, social media


  • Nice Hani! I’m glad you got your friend, Jas, to write down some of your thoughts and ideas! Be patient with him, as I am also Human, and a bit “slow” with the Telepathy thing sometimes! Especially between me and other Humans. Dogs, cats and other animals can be easier to follow with this, but each Human does the best they can with the brains they have! or lack thereof!
    I hope you get lots of FUN stories to post!
    Enjoy the Sun and the Beach as often as you can.
    Go easy on Jas, for he is doing his best…OK?
    Life can be Ruff ya know!
    Hope to see ya next year…be well!

Dogs Talking - get in on the conversation Woof!

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